


Class - XI (Computer Science)


        Ø   It is widely used general purpose,

  Ø high level programming language.

Ø  Developed by Guido van Rossum in 1991.

Ø  It is Open Source Scripting language.

Ø  it  is Case-sensitive language (Difference between uppercase and lowercase letters).

It is used for:

Ø Software development,

Ø Web development (server-side), system scripting,

Ø  Mathematics problem solving and many more….

              Characteristics of Python:

ü  Interactive

ü  Object Oriented Programming Language

ü  Easy & Simple

ü  Portable

ü  Scalable: Provides improved structure for supporting large programs.

ü  Integrated

ü  Expressive Language

There are two modes to use the python interpreter:

i.       Interactive Mode

ii.     Script Mode

iii.  Interactive Mode:    Without passing python script file to the interpreter, directly execute code to Python (Command line).



Output: 9


Note:       >>> is a command the python interpreter uses to indicate that it is ready. The interactive mode is better when a programmer deals with small pieces of code.

i.     Script Mode:      In this mode source code is stored in a file with the .py extension and uses the interpreter to execute the contents of the file. To execute the script by the interpreter, you have to tell the interpreter the name of the file.             

 ii Python Shell



