


Class – XI

Important questions for PE (SA-1) EXAMINATION

Short Questions :

1.      Define Physical Education.

2.      How Physical Education develop neuro-muscular coordination?

3.      How can Physical Education contribute in moral and character building?

4.      Briefly explain different technologies used during officiating in Sports.

5.      What do you think Wearable Gears and Sports Equipment  

6.      What are advantages of using technology in sports ?

7.      Explain the concept of Pranayama.

8.      Write in detail about Disability.

9.      What are the difficulties faced by person with visual impairment?

10.  Define Health.

11.  Define the physical component of wellness

12.  Define the spiritual component of wellness

13.  How Physical Education develop neuro-muscular coordination?

14.  How can Physical Education contribute in moral and character building?

15.  Write down few lines on different committee constituted for the purpose of development of physical Education in India after Independence.

16.  What is Khelo India Programme?

17.  What do you mean by term ‘Yoga’

Long Questions


1.      How does Physical Education contribute to an individual’s development?

2.      What do you think Wearable Gears and Sports Equipment

3.      What are advantages of using technology in sports ?

4.      What are the objectives of Physical Education?

5.      Classify various playing surfaces in sports ?

6.      Discuss the components of Olympic Movement.

7.      Explain the modern concept of yoga along with importance?

8.      Describe the yogic kriyas along with benefits.

9.      Differentiate between Surya Bhedhana Pranayama and Anuloma-viloma

10.  Discuss the need of sports for children with special needs.

11.  What do you mean by Physical Fitness? Write down importance of Physical Fitness for maintaining heath lifestyle.

12.  Write a note on the symbols and ideals of the Olympic Games.

13.  Describe the organizational step-up of International Olympic Committee.

14.      14   Explain how Yoga can help in active lifestyle and stress management?

15.  What role does a leader play in leading her/his team to success?

16.  Who is your role model as a leader? What are her/his characteristics? What have you learned from her/him?