


Class – XI

Important questions for COMPUTER  (SA-1) EXAMINATION

1.      Who developed python?

2.      Define Primary Memory?

3.      What are the function of the control unit?

4.      What is an OS (operating system)?

5.      Difference between data and information?

6.      How to write comments in a program?

7.      What are the rules to create an identifier?

8.      What is an integer?

9.      How many types of string literals are supported by python?

10.  Python supports two types of string literals

11.  What is the python virtual Machine?

12.  What are the application of the python language?

13.  Why is Python so popular?


14.  What are the major functions of a computer system?

15.  What is the various type of software?

16.  What is IDLE?

17.  What is a variable? Give any two examples

18.  What are token? How many token are there in python?

19.  Why is the input() function used?

20.  Why is the print() function used?

21.  Is Python a cross-platform language? If yes, Why?  

22.  Assertion and reason type question:

Assertion Statement (A) : Integer is mutable datatype.

a.       Reason (R) : The value of integer variable cannot be changed.

A is True but R is False            (b) A is False but R is True

©  Both A and R are False                 (d) Both A and R are True


23.  Assertion Statement (A): intinput() function can be used for accepting string input.

Reason (R) : int(i) function can be used to convert string to integer

A is True but R is False            (b) A is False but R is True

©  Both A and R are False                 (d) Both A and R are True


24.  What will be the output of the following

25.  X = Y = 5


X = input(“Enter your Name”)

print(“How are you?” , X)

x=y=z=2, x+10, x-10


26.  Python is a free and open source language. What do you understand by this feature of python? Explain

27.  Describe feature of python?